Consequence of environmental plunder

1. What are the main reasons for being concerned about environmental degradation in India?

          It is a true fact that the destruction of natural world would surely affect the development for any kind. Amartya Sen and Jean Dreze identified three reasons causing serious concern. First, development of an area rather slows down the qualitative improvement due to environmental degradation. Secondly, it hinders sustainable progress. Thirdly, the unequal distribution of natural resources hampers the underprivileged the most.

2. Discuss any one of the ways in which environmental plunder can cause harm to development. (2007)

          Thoughtless exploitation of natural resources can not bring greater economic prosperity. For example, the massive deforestation has derived the local people of their traditional livelihood. In Kalahandi, therefore, seasonal or permanent migration and chronic cases of starvation become obvious.

3. Show how environmental decline hinders sustainable development. (2008)

          Sustainable development would be possible when a balance would come in the world of environment. In Delhi the level of air pollution increases more than WHO standards but he rapid increasing of the automobiles remains unaffected. Moreover, the excessive exploitation of the groundwater by privileged farmers in large part of India hampers the sustainable development.

4. What is ‘Disguised violence’?  Write down the consequences of it.

          Environmental plunder is entitled as ‘disguised violence’ as it slowly but surely poisons the lives and livelihood indirectly. Those who are privileged make their fortune by means of hidden process. Can owners cause pollution, congestion, noise and accidents; the poor suffer the most. The privileged farmers exploit excessively ground water level depriving the poor farmers.

5.  How does environmental plunder affects the basic rights of the poor people?
          In many cases environmental plunder slowly but surely poisons the lives and livelihood of the poor. Those who are privileged make their fortune by means of hidden process. Can owners cause pollution, congestion, noise and accidents; the poor suffer the most. The privileged farmers exploit excessively ground water level depriving the poor farmers. Even Narmada dam project is an infringement of distributive justice.

6.  How the infringed of distributive justice involves and aspect of disguised manslaughter?

          In Indian socio-economic situation distributive justice is nothing but a brown study. In many cases environmental plunder slowly but surely poisons the lives and livelihood of the poor. Those who are privileged make their fortune by means of hidden process. Can owners cause pollution, congestion, noise and accidents; the poor suffer the most. The privileged farmers exploit excessively ground water level depriving the poor farmers. Even Narmada dam project is an infringement of distributive justice.

7. How is Narmada dam project an infringed of distributive justice?

          A lot of hot controversies regarding the construction of the Narmada dam had risen as it does not ensure equitable distribution of water resources. As a result of this project thousands of poor people will be rendered homeless without their consent or adequate compensation. They will be deprived of their water resources. Only some large farmers will get benefit form the dam.



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