UGC-NET English Part-II Solved Paper

1. The term ‘Comparative Literature’ was  first used in English in 1848 by _____.
 (A) Walter Pater
 (B) Matthew Arnold
 (C) John Ruskin
 (D) D.G. Rossetti

2. The first academic treatment to the  subject of Comparative Literature was given by ______ in his book called  Comparative Literature.
 (A) H.M. Posnett
 (B) Francois Jost
 (C) Elisabeth Frenzel
 (D) N.P. Stallknecht

3. Who is of the view that a study of  literary relationships is dangerous ?
 (A) Horst Frenz
 (B) René Etiémble
 (C) S.S. Prawar
 (D) Jean M. Carré 

4. According to H.H. Remak, ‘World  Literature’, when compared to Comparative Literature, suggests an element of _______.
(A) Space
(B) Quality
(C) Time
(D) Intensity

5. The methodology of influence study  was advocated by _________.
 (A) The French School of  Comparatists
 (B) The American School of  Comparatists
 (C) The German Comparatists
 (D) The Russian Comparatists

6. An American version of the creed of  British Romanticism is ______.
 (A) “Hugh Selvyn Mauberley”
 (B) “Because I could not stop for  Death”
 (C)  The Leaves of Grass
 (D) “North of Boston”

7. Westerners generally thought of  history as _______.
 (A) the sum total of more or less  random data.
 (B) a remembrance of things past.
 (C) ceaselessly unfolding and constantly flowing events.
 (D) phenomena that have occurred at  a specific time.

8. “The word ‘Romantic’ has come to  mean many things that … it means  nothing at all,” declared
 (A) Walter Pater
 (B) John Keats
 (C) A.D. Lovejoy
 (D) Matthew Arnold

9. Which historian treated literary history ignoring the historical and mechanical order of succession of events, but focused on human experience ?
 (A) Robert Spiller
 (B) George Saintsbury
 (C) Compton-Rickett
 (D) W.H. Hudson

10. Which of the following terms “stresses  the beginning, rather than the duration,  of a time span of considerable length” ?
(A) Period
(B) Age
(C) Era
(D) Century

11. Who championed the theory of an inexorable step-by-step progression of the three major kinds, epic, lyric and drama, in Greek literary history ?
 (A) Ulrich Weisstein
 (B) Quintilian
 (C) S.S. Prawer
 (D) Alexander Veselovsky

12. One of the first writer to discuss the separation of the literary genre from other aspects of literature was _____.
(A) Brunetiere
(B) Cicero
(C) Quintilian
(D) Horace

13. Genre is a journal published by ____.  (Wrong Ans)
 (A) Indiana University
 (B) The University of Illinois
 (C) Columbia University
 (D) Princeton University

14. The first literary work to discuss ‘genre’ is ______.
 (A) Plato’s Republic
 (B) Horace’s Ars Poetica
 (C) Longinus’ On the Sublime
 (D) Aristotle’s Poetics

15. Who separated the choric poetry from monodic poetry ?
 (A) The Greeks
(B) The Romans
(C) The Germans
(D) The French

16. Identify the work from among the following that does not have an Oedipal theme/ motif :
 (A)  Desire under the Elms by O’Neill
 (B)  Hamlet by Shakespeare
 (C)  The White Devil by Webster
 (D)  The Infernal Machine by Cocteau

17. The archetypes of the  anima and the animus were mentioned by ______.
 (A) Carl Jung 
 (B) Karen Horney
 (C) Melanie Klein
 (D) Jessic Weston

18. The study of the Electra theme from the Classical Age to the present is an instance of
 (A) Synchronic study
 (B) Monochronic study
 (C) Anachronic study
 (D) Diachronic study

19. A critic who compares Valmiki’s Ramayana and Tulsi Das’ Ram Charit  Manas as literary epics is doing  (A) a Diachronic study
 (B) a Synchronic study
 (C) an Archetypal study
 (D) a Myth study

20. The German equivalent for the term “Thematology” is _______.
 (A)  Gestalt
 (B)  Wissenschaft
 (C)  Stoffgeschichte
 (D)  Geistesgeschicht

21. The Malayalam novel  Chemmeen and the Tamil novel  Amma Vandaal have been compared for their common theme of ______.
 (A) Tradition and modernity
 (B) Man-woman relationship
 (C) Adultery and its consequences
 (D) Society and women

22. One of the novels on the subject of the Muslim invasion of India –  Jai Somnath – is by ________.
 (A) Narmad
 (B) K.M. Munshi
 (C) Harinarayan Apte
 (D) Dharmavir Bharati

23. Which of the following plays of Vijay Tendulkar has a historical setting ?
 (A)  Sakharam Binder
 (B)  Kanyadaan
 (C)  Ghasiram Kotwal
 (D)  Silence ! The Court is in Session

24. Select the correct set from the following :
 (A) (i) Bankim Chandra, Gora  (ii) Saratchandra, Srikant   (iii) Tagore, Anandmath
 (B) (i) Bankim Chandra, Anandmath  (ii) Saratchandra, Srikant  (iii) Tagore, Gora
 (C) (i) Bankim Chandra, Srikant  (ii) Saratchandra, Gora  (iii) Tagore, Anandmath
 (D) (i) Bankim Chandra, Srikant  (ii) Saratchandra, Anandmath  (iii) Tagore, Gora

25. Identify the correct chronological sequence of the following Hindi authors :
 (A) Jaishankar Prasad, Premchand, Yashpal, Mohan Rakesh
 (B) Jaishankar Prasad, Yashpal, Premchand, Mohan Rakesh
 (C) Premchand, Jaishankar Prasad, Yashpal, Mohan Rakesh
 (D) Premchand, Jaishankar Prasad, Mohan Rakesh, Yashpal

26. According to Dryden, Horace’s  Ars Poetica, translated by Ben Jonson, is an example of ______.
 (A) Adaptation (B) Imitation
 (C) Paraphrase (D) Metaphrase

27. The works of the novelist Balzac were translated by _______.
 (A) Samuel Putnam
 (B) Marian Ayton Crawford
 (C) H.D.P. Lee
 (D) Michael Grant

28. Identify the author of the following statement :
 “A badly written book is only a blunder; but a bad translation of a good book is a crime.”
 (A) Martin Luther
 (B) Matthew Arnold
 (C) P.B. Shelley
 (D) Gilbert Highet

29. Who wrote the famous essay “On Translating Homer” ?
 (A) Alexander Pope
 (B) John Dryden
 (C) Matthew Arnold
 (D) Una Ellis Fermor

30. Name the translator-critic who has elaborated on the seven different strategies on translation :
 (A) Andre Lefevere
 (B) Henry Gifford
 (C) B.Q. Morgan
 (D) Octavio Paz

31. Who, among the following, focuses on language and text exclusively ?
 (A) Derrida
(B) Lacan
(C) Julia Kristeva
(D) Foucoult

32. Identify the author of the statement : “Spoken words are the symbols of mental experiences … and written words are the symbols of spoken words.”
 (A) Stanley Fish
 (B) Aristotle
 (C) Saussure
 (D) Schleiermacher

33. Identify the author of The English Moses :
 (A) Stephen Greenblatt
 (B) Thomas Harriot
 (C) Schleiermacher
 (D) E.M.W. Tillyard

34. The first feminist text in Tamil was ________.
 (A)  Mannil Ciruther
 (B)  Paanchali Capatam
 (C)  Kothai Theevu
 (D)  Thunaivi

35. Therukkoothu is the folk art form in ______.
 (A) Tamil
(B) Malayalam
(C) Gujarati
(D) Oriya

36. Who discusses “Reception Aesthetics” in Comparative Literature ?
 (A) Hyppolite Taine
 (B) Robert Spiller
 (C) Anna Balakian
 (D) J.T. Shaw

37. “Influence and Literary Fortune” is an essay written by ________.
 (A) Arthur E. Kunst
 (B) Mary Gaithen
 (C) Leon Edel
 (D) Anna Balakian

38. Plutarch’s  Biographies would constitute, in the area of influence studies, an instance of 
 (A) Recovery
(B) Affinity
(C) Source
(D) Parody

39. Who among the following thinkers exerted a tremendous impact on literature ?
 (A) Karl Marx 
 (B) Arnold Toynbee
 (C) Claudio Guillen
 (D) Frank Jost

40. Who made the statement “one of the most complex problems in the study of literary influence is direct and indirect influence” ?
(A) David H. Malone
(B) J.T. Shaw
(C) Ihab H. Hassan
(D) Alexander Pushkin

41. The term ‘grotesque’ used to refer to a literary style/technique has its origins in .
(A) Painting
(B) Architecture
(C) Music
(D) Dance

42. One of the significant works on Literature and the Arts –  Music and Literature – was written by
 (A) Calvin S. Brown
 (B) Albrecht Schöne 
 (C) Joseph Kerman
 (D) Ulrich Weisstein

43. A comparative study of the minds of the criminal heroism Dostoievsky’s Crime and Punishment and Richard Wright’s  Native Son involves the disciplines of ______.
 (A) Literary Studies and Sociology
 (B) Literary Studies and Psychology
 (C) Literary Studies and Anthropology
 (D) Literary Studies and Legal Studies 

44. Identify the literary text which can be illuminated by a study of Anthropology :
 (A)  The Waste Land
 (B)  Four Quartets
 (C)  The Cocktail Party
 (D)  Gerontion

45. Which of the following texts is open for an analysis from the perspective of political theory ?
 (A)  The Way of the World
 (B)  Major Barbara
 (C)  Henry IV Part One
 (D)  The Birthday Party

46. The concept of ‘Wilderness Romance’ is employed in the study of American
novels by the practitioners of _______.
 (A) Feminist Criticism
 (B) Sociological Criticism
 (C) Eco Criticism
 (D) Psychological Criticism

47. Mallarme, the French symbolist poet, influenced ______.
 (A) W.H. Auden
 (B) Dylan Thomas
 (C) T.S. Eliot
 (D) Hart Crane

48. The English translation of Omar Khayyam’s Rubaiyyat is by ______.
 (A) Bayard Taylor
 (B) George Madison
 (C) Edward Fitzgerald
 (D) John Ciardi

49. The playwright who wrote a “heroic tragedy” in the late 17th century was _____.
 (A) John Milton
 (B) William Congreve
 (C) Jean Racine
 (D) John Dryden

50. The major practitioners of the theatre of the Absurd were _______.
 (A) Ionesco, Beckett, Adamoff
 (B) Beckett, Adamoff, Brecht
 (C) Anouilh, Ionesco, Beckett
 (D) Ionesco, Anouilh, Adamoff


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